Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I wish I had more time to write
to dream and be still in the moment

Sometimes I wish I could go back in time
and remember what it felt like

Sometimes I wish I could jump
into my painting and feel the color, feel the feeling within the color

Sometimes I wish I could hold
onto the moment a little longer, hold onto my children longer

Sometimes I wish I could cry
and then swim in the river of tears

Sometimes I wish when I close my eyes
that I'd become a butterfly and am fluttering aside a bluebell

Sometimes I wish I was a bird
and I could fly around the world and sprinkle down love

Sometimes I wish I was a fly
on a wall because then maybe I would understand

Sometimes I wish I didn't care

Sometimes I wish I was loved....
actually I wish that all the time

Sometimes I wish
Sometimes I dream
Sometimes I am
Sometimes I am not
Someday it will be
Someday I will be

Sometimes I wish it were now