Monday, October 30, 2006

What's Up?

Happy Halloween!!
I will post pictures of the kids in their halloween costumes later when all is said and done. I feel bad but I can't wait for halloween to be over. This is one of my most disliked holidays....I'm a scaredy pants and halloween totally creeps me out but I put up with it so my kids can have fun in costumes and get tons of candy (and I can sneak it after their sleeping).

We've been pretty busy lately. Cohen had his 2mth needles, 4 of them and they gave two in each leg. Poor baby was all swollen and sore and cranky and just not himself for about 2 1/2 days afterwards. Now he's going through a growth spurt. Last week he weighed in at 11lbs 6oz and he's only goin up which is good. He's started cooing and smiling and playing with his handing toys on his bouncer. It's adorable. The kids are having a little more fun with him now that he's noticing them.

Here is Carter practicing his trick or treating. He was collecting everything from toys to remotes. Carter has been enjoying preschool. He's been making friends and he has a couple close buddies now. Finn, Henry and Blaize are his little buds. Tuesday and Thursday mornings are full of fun and surprises for him. He finally has a little something he can call his own. I've also been taking him to preschool storytime at the library here in the village and he's enjoying that. It's a full hour with crafts and songs and stories. Wednesdays they started a preschool and mom program at the community church so we're going to check that out tomorrow and see how we like it. Oh it's funny, Carter was being a stinker and decided to try swinging on the freezer fridge door which he knows is a big no no and I said Carter you can't misbehave like this and he replies with..."well hippos can do it so so can I". I love hearing what will come out of his mouth sometimes.

Emily is doing really good in school as well. She's finally understood that listening to the teacher at all times sure pays off. She was presented with a star award for her good behaviour during the school assembly. It was so cute. We were really proud of her because she has always been a little chatter box. This year all her teachers say she doesn't take her eyes off them and she only talks to the other kids when it's recess time. Her school has been busy with a ton of activities and we had to contribute a little. It was kinda fun though.

I decorated a cake for the halloween cake walk and I made a little snack for her class party today. I'll post the pictures to give you blog readers out there some ideas if ever you need.
Justin and I are awesome as usual. We are finally starting to settle into a better routine having three kids and finding time to be husband and wife. I have to give my hubby kudo's because he agreed to take a ballroom dance class with me. He's such a trouper. If any of you have every witnessed Justin dance you'll know what I am talking about. He totally dancing with his shoulders instead of his feet. It's so funny. But he is doing super at the dance class and he's having fun at that. Also I finally let go of my cleaner. I absolutely love love my cleaner who has become a good friend now. She helped me through bedrest and recovery of the c-=section and saved my sanity while I was trying to get used to our growing family life. She helped my husband so much. He had so much on his plate during the past year and household chores was hard to get to and he wanted to spend his free time playing not cleaning and Nikki helped him accomplish that. I let her go because well for one I'm now fully recovered and I needed to start getting used to busy life again and do stuff on my own. I was becoming too dependent on a clean and perfect house and messes were making me too anxious so I needed to work on it in my own way. However when I do big cleanups like spring cleaning and what not I'm going to call her in to help me wash walls and baseboards. I feel pretty fortunate though to have had her while I did because man did it help us out.

Anyway I'll post some photos now so you can visualize what we've been up to.
Hope you have some fun tonight.

L8er G8er's

P.S. I'm having trouble posting pictures so I"ll do a pictures post later

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