Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day turns to Scarey Mother's Day

Wow, where to even begin. I'm still in utter shock as to how my last 24 hours have been. It's been an absolute nightmare to be honest. It all started with a nice family drive around Penticton. We were searching around for garage sales and we just kept driving. It was so much fun. We discovered places we didn't even know existed in this town. Then the crap began. We decided to make a stop at Walmart to look at some baby stuff and beds for the kids. I was feeling alright but by the time I walked from the front doors to the furniture section I started feeling weird. I thought hmmm maybe a little gas. Nope! Hmmm maybe a little indigestion! Hell no!! Oh shoot something was wrong. I got an intense stabbing pain from the top of my belly to my belly button. It took the breath right out of me. I couldn't stand, couldn't breath and I was getting pins and needles all over. Luckily there was a nurse in the aisle we were in and she started screaming for help. Immediately a walmart team was there by my side checking my vitals and on the phone with 911. They closed off all the aisles and then wheeled me in to the manager's office to get away from curious people. Poor Justin and the kids were just scared they didn't know what was happening. Justin wanted to get me to the hospital right away but the people at walmart already called the ambulance and I was getting weaker by the second so at that point even Justin thought it was best I go via ambulance. Within 10 minutes of everything happening the ambulance was there along with the fire department. A little girl in Emily's class named Emily too her dad was on call for the fire department so he was talking with Justin and the kids while I was getting in the ambulance. I was so scared because I couldnt' feel the baby at all and the pain wasn't subsiding. Justin had to go in the car with the kids and he was horrified leaving me alone with the EMT even though they are professional he was just sick not being by my side. Luckily he beat the EMT to the hospital and was right there by my side once again. I was put on the monitors to check for contraction and fetal heartbeat then a few hours the on call obgyn showed up. He was really good. Checked me thorough with the ultrasound and found that the cause of the whole problem is an enlarged fibroid that is becoming degenerative meaning my body has now cut off the blood supple to the fibroid. Which causes severe pain but I guess it's good that the fibroid can't get any bigger. It looked so huge on the ultrasound it was so scarey. Then he starts talking to us about the risk of this setting me into preterm labour and that there was nothing they could do to save the baby if that was the case because the baby is only 22 wks gestation and at this point it couldn't survive. He said once the baby is around 27 wks it's chances are higher. Then he checked my cervix and found that there is only 1cm left of my cervix. What the??? Could this day get any worse. Jeez! So I have to be super careful that I don't have any contraction so I can savour the rest of my cervix and hope that my stitch doesn't fall out too early. He sent me home with once again, major restrictions and bed rest. So I am totally following orders. Tomorrow morning I go back to the hospital for another check up and hopefully things start looking better.

So this has been my Mother's Day for 2006. Since I was a kids something has gone wrong at Mother's day and I was praying nothing would happen this year and then boom. So I'm feeling rather depressed and totally just completely bummed out. My husband feels like his world is totally caving in as everything seems to be happening with everyone he loves. My health his mom's health, Carter's been sick and the life of our born child in jeopardy.

If we can trouble everyone for some extra prayers we'd really appreciate it. I just want to get to my 36 wk of pregnancy or really close to, that would be in August. It's so hard to be going through all this so far from home and away from family and friends. It gets pretty lonely. Yesterday I was talking to my mom on the phone when I got home from the hospital and I had to suck back the tears cuz crying was onsetting some yeah I'm sucking back the tears just wishing my mom was here for a hug. Anyways I better get back to the couch and put my feet up.

On a loving note "Happy Mother's Day to everyone"


Nathan & Ashley said...

Hey Carissa.
Wow I'm really sorry to hear about what happened. I wish that I could be there to give you a big hug! But please know that I am definately going to be praying for you guys in the weeks ahead! Remember that God has a plan for you guys even though sometimes you might not understand it! I love you and I miss you hun! Talk to you soon!

SarahJ said...

Hi Carissa
I am really sorry to hear about your Mother's Day. That is so scary and I can't even imagine how you felt. Justin and I will continute to pray for your health and your baby's health (and Carter too!). I love you and I miss you and I sincerely hope things are going better.