Monday, April 16, 2007

This and That

It's been a funny week. The kids are just cracking us up all day long. It's been fun because last week they were a little out of sorts after the grandparents left. They hate saying good bye and it just made them really unhappy all week. It didn't matter what we did to try to cheer them up or what we family activity we would do they were still unhappy. This week has been a nice change, they are much happier even though they are still missing all their grandparents.

It all started off with Cohen. He's been motoring and I mean EVERYWHERE and FAST. One day he's just crawling and by the next day he was up on furniture and now he's walking around things while holding on. He's into EVERYTHING. It's so funny to watch the determination in his little face. Now that he can get around he has all this freedom and by darndit he's going to explore. He has also become very very loud. At church on Sunday the Pastor was getting the congregation in the mood to pray and it was sooooo quiet until little Cohen pipes up and yells "DADDA DADADADADADADA". I guess yelling Dadda is better than the loud ruptures he used to blow in his diaper.

Then Carter. Oh boy this one has quite the imagination. He is truly gifted in storytelling. He used to hate the telephone and now he loves it. He wants to call everyone all day long. Today he started out by calling Grandpa Harold. He talked for quite sometime and so I thought he would be tired of gabbing and want to have some quiet time. NOPE he wanted to make his next call. So he called Grandma Tammy and wanted to talk to Papa and Uncle Nathan but they were all busy so he talked to Grandma. He was trying to persuade her to move on out it was funny. He was so detailed on how he looked at houses for them to buy and they were ready to move in. Then after he was off the phone he told me that grams and gramps would be flying on a gt jet plane right now and that it was going to land on our front lawn and not to be scared if I see a big plane outside. Then he called Auntie Jenna and Uncle Justin. Then he wanted to talk to Harold again so he called Grandpa back and he ended off the phone call by saying "love eachother because I love you". Then he talked to Uncle Justin. Oh it was funny. Now normally I wouldn't let him make this many phone calls but you have to understand he has never enjoyed talking to anyone on the phone so the fact that he was showing interest and was talking a lot made everyone happy so I thought it was harmless. After he was all done he came to me and Justin and said "did you know Uncle Nathan is visiting Auntie Jenna, and he farted on all her plates and now she has to do all her dishes and she has too much work to do...I can't believe that guy." hahaha as soon as he left the room Justin and I burst into hysterical laughter.

Then our little sweet girl made her daddy happy last night. It was the cutest. Now that Emily is getting older we really cherish these moments with her, when she asks for our "advice" it's fun. So Emily was walking home from school the other day with some boys and they were laughing at her TinkerBell backpack. She gets upset when people laugh at her (well really who doesn't) and so she came home and she cried a little and we told her to just keep her chin up and not let it show that it bugs her. Justin says to her that she is the prettiest little girl in the whole school and the best daughter in the whole world and that that's all that matters is how much daddy loves you. So she felt better and she proceeds to her room and she starts calling for daddy. So Justin went into her bedroom and she had a few outfits on the floor all planned out and she said "dad you have the best advice, can you pick my outfit out for tomorrow and because you picked it I will sure be the prettiest even if you just think so". So he picked out her outfit and she was so happy when she got up this morning and put on the outfit her dad picked out for her. It was a touching moment for Justin, I mean how many little girls want their dad's to pick out their school clothes.

Another plus this week. We were outside with the kids one afternoon picking up some garbage that had blown into the yard. We've been trying to teach the kids that not only does God want us to be kind to people but also to his land. So Emily and Carter grabbed a bunch of garbage bags and asked if they could pick up all the garbage around our street. So we went on our way and the kids picked a huge black bag full of garbage. There wasn't even a little plastic wrapper around. SO on our way home one of our neighbours approached us and asked if we wanted a new swingset. I was interested because we were looking at getting a second swingset since we have so many kids in our yard and mom's group and just the fact that we are planning for more children so we need a little more than two swings and the swings on our old swingset needed to be replaced. So I asked for more info and how much they wanted and what it came down to was they wouldn't accept money for it so in exchange for a bottle of wine, the swingset was ours. What a deal!! Emily then says see mom all sorts of wonderful things happen when we do good things. The kids were so happy. So we are going to find some baby swings to put on the one swingset. Friends of ours are expecting a baby and I can't wait to share time outside with our babies and push them in swings together.

Well I better go geek out with my hubby. He got a new tech book today and he's dying to tell me all about it. HOnestly I have no clue what he is talking about but I love the fact that he can share and have the patience to share it with me. OOhhhh and chips for the occasion haha...I can definitely listen to the tech talk if there is chips involved.

So until next time....
Have a wonderful week. God Bless!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed your entry...It is wonderful to hear about the little things... it is sometimes hard to pay attention to the most important stuff.

What kinda tech stuff? My husband is a programmer so he drives me nuts trying to explain his latest line of code and all the data stuff he loves...

I just bought my guy the game TRON 2.0 as a joke but he loves it. It is based on that movie from the 80s about programmers and gamers being sucked into their computers LOL!